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- School Hospital
Takes care of the medical needs of the School Community.
- RMO – 1
- Senior Medical Assistant – 2
- Nursing Sisters – 3
- Lab Technician – 1
- Physiotherapist- 1
- MNO – 1
- Radiographer – 1(part time basis)
- Ambulance Driver – 1 for day duty and night duty
- Ayahs – 2
- Safai Karamchari – 4 (2 Males & 2 Females)
- An elaborate Medical Performa is submitted to the RMO by all new admissions.
- This consists of a detailed medical history, vaccination record and examination report.
- Any child using glasses has to get three pairs of spectacles and deposit the prescription in the hospital.
- A thorough dental check - up / treatment must be completed during the vacation period.
- Only one Orthodontic visit per term is permitted for children who have got their orthodontic treatment from elsewhere. This information about Orthodontic visit must be given in the beginning of each term, duly signed by the Orthodontist.
- A written consent is given by each parent to authorize the School R. M .O to sign the consent on their behalf in case of any emergency / routine surgery / investigation, which remains valid throughout the stay of the child in the School.
- Procedure for Medical Leave: Wherever required, patients are taken for specialist consultation.
However, if it is a case which requires the patient to be supervised at home, Medical Leave is granted by the RMO.
All orthodontic leave, which is allowed once a term, should be intimated to the RMO in advance accompanied by a letter from the treating Orthodontist.
Matrons are issued a log book and a First Aid box, a stretcher and a steamer for supportive treatment in the dorms. On a regular basis supplements are given to all students, supervised by the Matrons.