Reason to Choose
The Lawrence School, Sanawar
Sanawar is a co-educational boarding school, affiliated to CBSE and has students of varying backgrounds from different parts of the sub-continent. It provides an environment that encourages a questioning mind and gives students many avenues for expressing their creativity and building their skills.
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Headmaster's Message
Education Is Not the Filling of a Pail, But the Lighting of a Fire.I am pleased to share that I am thankful for your good wishes, the guidance of a most supportive and enlightened Board, a very supportive community, dedicated staff and the blessings of the Almighty! Indeed, it is not only most humbling but also a singular privilege to be entrusted this high honor. I am blessed to be the custodian of The Lawrence School, Sanawar in our Dodransbicentennial Anniversary!
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Life at Sanawar
Our Heritage

News, Events & Memories

TestimonialsLeading the Way

BirdwoodBirdwood is the main academic building of the school. This austere and stately edifice, made of grey granite, dominates the spur of Sanawar hill with the gorgeous view of Kasauli ridge. The building has Thirty large and airy classrooms with cedar-wood floors and coal fire places. The foundation stone of Birdwood School was laid by the Right Reverend, the Bishop of Lahore, H.B. Durrant on August 25, 1927 and the Birdwood School buildings were opened by His Excellency Field Marshall Sir W.R. Birdwood Bart, Commander in Chief, India on September 22, 1929. Birdwood school also houses the school auditorium Barne Hall, named after the then Principal of the school, George Barne wherein all the functions and cultural events of school take place.

Prep Department
Prep DeptThe home of the tiny-tots, the Prep Department, houses students of classes V and VI. The total strength of the Prep School is divided into three dormitories. The girls have a dormitory having two floors while the boys stay in two separate dormitories. The Prep School is an independent unit having its own classrooms, games, hobbies, meals and study time. The students participate in various sports and co-curricular activities throughout the year and have an engaging yet enjoyable schedule. The Prep Department encourages all students to participate in activities and settle well in school so that they develop into sincere and empathetic individuals under the guidance of dedicated staff members.
The maximum intake of students in The Lawrence School is in classes V and VI. An entrance exam is held in the month of November every year and the school session begins in February.
Each House has its own Color, Flag, Identity and Motto:-
Himalaya House – Yellow, Motto- CERTA BONUM CERTAMEN (Fight the good fight)
Nilagiri House – Blue, Motto – VIRTUT E ET VALORE (Strength and Courage)
Siwalik – Green, Motto - LEVIUS FIT PATIENTIA (Patience makes it lighter)
Vindhya – Red, Motto – FYNO OUW LERFID (God's will, will be)

Boys Department
Boys DeptBoys Department (B.D.) – Boarding House for the boys is divided into four Houses namely Himalaya, Nilagiri , Siwalik and Vindhya. In addition to this, there is a House meant only for the students of class LIV called the Holding House. After U III, the Prep Department boys of all the Houses stay in the Holding House for a year before they move to their respective Parent Houses from UIV onwards.
Each House has two Housemasters - Sr. Housemaster who looks after the boys of UV onwards and Jr. Housemaster who looks after the boys of UIV and LV. These Housemasters, with the help of the matron and the tutors attached with the House, look after the pastoral care of the boys. Also, each House has a prefectorial body elected from class UVI that helps the Housemaster run their House on daily basis.
Boys' department offers various activities to the students - sporting activities, Hikes and camps, Hobbies, Common room to play board games etc. Also, Boys' Department has its own Gymnasium.
Each House has its own Color, Flag, Identity and Motto:-
Himalaya House – Yellow, Motto- CERTA BONUM CERTAMEN (Fight the good fight)
Nilagiri House – Blue, Motto – VIRTUT E ET VALORE (Strength and Courage)
Siwalik – Green, Motto - LEVIUS FIT PATIENTIA (Patience makes it lighter)
Vindhya – Red, Motto – FYNO OUW LERFID (God's will, will be)

Girls Department
Girls DeptThe Foundation Stone for the Girls' Dormitory (Honoria Court) was laid in 1943 by Major General R.L. Bond with the vision of giving girls an equal pedestal as boys in terms of their lodging, giving to them what they proudly call “A second home”. The department is divided into three parts, namely, Holding House, comprising girls from grades 7 and 8, and senior dormitories which are further divided into the Upper Dormitory, housing girls of Himalaya and Nilagiri House and the Lower Dormitory housing girls of Vindhya and Siwalik House. All together the department is looked after by six housemistresses, three matrons and eighteen tutors.
An extension of the Girls’ Department, a new state- of- the- art dormitory is also under construction and is much awaited by the girls and faculty alike. The girls’ playground known as Peacestead, wears a new modern look after its recent facelift. Below the Basketball courts, the GD shooting range, table tennis and Gymnasium are located. Girls have a wide range of activities to pick their hobbies from, ranging from Music and Dance to Carpentry and Sculpture. The GD Common Room is a place for girls to go in their free time, relax and play indoor games.
GD is the source of multitudes of fond memories and friendships that the girls carry back as their depart from school for the last time.
Each House has its own Color, Flag, Identity and Motto:-
Himalaya House – Yellow, Motto- CERTA BONUM CERTAMEN (Fight the good fight)
Nilagiri House – Blue, Motto – VIRTUT E ET VALORE (Strength and Courage)
Siwalik – Green, Motto - LEVIUS FIT PATIENTIA (Patience makes it lighter)
Vindhya – Red, Motto – FYNO OUW LERFID (God's will, will be)